Another 303 Day has come and gone, and with it, another round of mind-bending, filter-squelching, acid-infused sound design. We challenged you to create the most creative and original 303-inspired patch you could, and we were not disappointed with the results!
The Kilohearts team, in collaboration with the legendary Dash Glitch, had a blast going through the entries. It was amazing to hear the wild variety of sounds you crafted while still keeping that unmistakable 303 essence. From classic acid basslines to completely unexpected twists, you all made judging this contest very, very difficult.
After much discussion and the invention of a reasonably uncomplicated scoring system, we eventually ended up with six winners instead of just three. It was so close at the top that we had to expand the prize pool. There were plenty of strong contenders, so if you didn’t win this time, don't be disappointed. All the entries were great!
And the winners are…
In no specific order:
- Roughy – A unique take on the 303 with intricate filter work and a smooth saw-to-square blend that still keeps it unmistakably acid.
- BlueDrak3 – A well-balanced 303 patch that delivers a classic sound but can be pushed into something dirtier and more aggressive.
- Biobird – A heavy and "Doom" evoking treatment of the 303 sound that retains just enough key DNA while adding serious weight.
- trumbuthegn – Packed with movement and featuring an awesome Chaos dial that lets you randomize the sound completely.
- Riccardo Baggio – A 303 and then some. Fantastic sound quality and highly usable in a variety of contexts.
- Emily – Technically broke the rules by not using the MIDI, but submitted a mind-blowing one-note patch using skills that we just had to reward.
Each of these sound design wizards will receive three Content Banks of their choice. Winners will be contacted via email to arrange their prizes.

You can hear the winning patches, along with some of our other favorites, in the short demo above. We have also made all the Phase Plant presets available for download, so check the link on this page. If you want to dive deeper, watch Dash break down the winners, highlight more standout entries, and share his thoughts in the video below.

Thanks for joining in!
We absolutely loved running this contest again and hope to keep this new tradition going in the future. Thank you to everyone who took part, and a big thanks to Roland for creating such an iconic bit of gear. See you next 303 Day!