Download the Installer

Kilohearts Installer2.3.3 for Windows Kilohearts Installer2.3.3 for Mac

If you are trying to install on a machine without an internet connection you can use the below Offline Installers.
They are bigger in file size, but they contain everything you will need.

Kilohearts Plugins Changelog

Below is a record of the incremental changes to Kilohearts plugins. All Kilohearts plugins share a code base and therefore they all have the same version number at any given time. Use the Kilohearts Installer to update your plugins if you are falling behind. You can also use the latest installer to downgrade to an earlier version if the need arises.

2.3.3 - March 21, 2025

Phase Plant

- Fixed an issue where adding Sampler and Granular generators would not automatically add an output.

2.3.2 - March 20, 2025


- Fixed a number of issues related to DPI, most notably problems with dragging knobs in Ableton Live.
- Fixed performance issues on some Intel MacOS systems.
- Fixed an issue where double click dragging some areas could leave the mouse in a dragging state.
- Fixed issues with erratic scroll movement in scroll areas.
- Fixed incorrect visual toggle state on the grid snapping icon in LFO editors.

Slice EQ

- Fixed an issue where filter handles would not update their position properly.

2.3.1 - January 16, 2025


- Fixed issue in remap module where manually entering x value in non-bipolar mode would result in wrong value.
- Fixed a problem with modulation migration breaking existing patches in some cases.
- Fixed a problem that could cause a lane to display "lane is full" when dragging onto it, even when it wasn't.


- Fixed a performance regression in the UI, causing slow framerates.


- Fixed a problem that could cause input messages to not be handled for a period of time, making the UI of the whole DAW unresponsive.
- Fixed a problem where mouse position could be wrong in setups with several screens at different DPI.
- Fixed issue when drag/dropping where the drop happened at the wrong mouse position.

Shaper Table

- Fixed so that the title in the wavetable editor is correct.


- Fixed background color randomly being wrong sometimes.

Filter Table

- Fixed white pixel in top left corner of bode plot.

Phase Plant

- Fixed so that modulations are copied correctly when copying generators.

2.3.0 - November 14, 2024

Filter Table

- New effect plugin! (VST/AAX/AU/Snapin)


- Made LFO Table properly display the effect of modulating the Smooth knob.
- Changed default phase in the wavetable editor's harmonic editing tool to make more sense.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect curving in the wavetable editor's harmonic editing when drawing with fast mouse movement.
- Fixed an issue with using ctrl+click/alt+click to copy modules in the generator section.
- Fixed an issue with external midi bindings, most notably Mod and Pitch wheel.
- Fixed an issue with LFO not syncing properly when mode is backward or ping pong.
- Fixed an issue causing incorrect window scaling in some DAWs on macOS.

Phase Plant

- On-screen keyboard keys can now be toggled by right clicking, to hold a sustained note.

2.2.5 - October 23, 2024


- New Drag Drop system - It is now possible to drag and drop snapins, modulators and generators between instances of Kilohearts plugins.
- Optimized saving presets with samples.
- Disable mouse locking/warping on macOS when incompatible accessibility features are enabled.
- Improved compatibility and speed of macOS graphics.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when pressing Cancel in the Add Location dialog of the preset browser.
- Fixed a crash on macOS that could occur when overwriting a preset, and possibly other places too.
- Fixed an issue with the visual play cursor not handling phase parameter correctly in LFO Table.
- Fixed the mouse wheel zoom direction in the harmonic view of the WT editor
- Fixed an issue where a group could be added into another group by searching on it.
- Fixed a load error when opening very old projects.
- Fixed an issue where only one AUX modulation would be used when multiple were assigned to the same modulation.
- Fixed an issue where the AUX modulation curve would not be applied.
- Fixed an issue where Kilohearts plugins could interfer with mouse locking/warping in other plugins.
- Fixed an issue where the cursor was not hidden properly when dragging in some DAWs, e.g. Logic on macOS.
- Fixed an issue with sidechain where no selected sidechain in Pro Tools would route main input to sidechain.
- Fixed an issue where loading presets from bank failed when using the settings panel.
- Fixed an issue where the drag/drop sample conversion window was hidden.
- Fixed an issue where some details in saved projects would not load back properly when running as AU.

Carve EQ

- Fixed an issue where editing left/side channel curve didn't update the curve in the small UI.


- Fixed an UI issue where peak meter would jump when resetting the threshold parameter.

Phase Plant

- Fix for voices sometimes getting stuck after a plugin reset.
- Fixed issue where audio rate modulations could be added as aux modulations, crashing the plugin.
- Fixed UI issues with the next/prev mode buttons.


- Fixed an issue where long delay times could lead to problems.


- Fixed an issue where curvature was not updated correctly when dragging a node in symmetry mode.
- Fixed an issue where curve name would reset to default after undoing.
- Fixed an issue where the edited asterix would be shown next to the curve name when loading a preset.


- Fixed an issue where the mid gain was not interpolated correctly.

2.2.4 - June 24, 2024


- Worked around a macOS 14.4 issue causing reboots on M2/M3 Macs.
- Correctly report DPI awareness to VST3 hosts to get correct UI scale by default where possible.
- Fixed an issue where loading presets into Snapins could reset modulations of the host.
- Fixed an issue where Polyphonic Aftertouch messages were not properly controlling the Pressure modulator in VST 3 on some DAWs.
- Fixed missing curve preview in Wavetable sample conversion.

2.2.3 - April 26, 2024

Phase Plant

- Fixed an issue where the Balance knob was unlabelled in the DIM 7 unison mode.

Trance Gate

- Add Swing knob


- Made the harmonic editing tool draw immediately on mouse down and not require mouse movement.
- Made it possible to convert samples to wavetables when loading from the wavetable browser.
- Fixed an issue where error dialogs could cause crashes.
- Fixed an issue where drag/dropping a sample to create a new Shaper Table did nothing.
- Fixed an issue where undoing when converting a sample could cause crashes.
- Fixed an issue where the sample to wavetable conversion dialog could crash.
- Fixed an issue where the preset browser would reload or switch folders when switching preset.
- Fixed an issue where the preset named would still change when failing to load a preset.
- Fixed an issue where error dialogs could sometimes be shown twice.

2.2.2 - April 25, 2024

Phase Plant

- Fixed an issue where audio rate modulations would not get removed when removing the source generator module.
- Fixed some incorrect names on audio rate modulation source tooltips.
- Fixed broken formatting on randomization percentages in the granular generator.


- Fixed an issue where AUX output mode sometimes outputs static instead of silence on the main output.


- Fixed an issue with clicks after periods of silence.


- Fix an issue where projects saved with specific versions (e.g. 1.8.5) would not load correctly.

Slice/Carve EQ

- Fixed issues with the spectrum reference dropdown.


- Set phase to max instead of zero on reset for non-looping modulators.
- Added back missing modulation targets on Curve loop handles.
- Fixed a crash when rapidly switching presets.
- Fixed an issue where the sample loader could crash when reading unrecognized WAVs.
- Fixed an issue where Multipass and Snap Heap presets could not be dropped into effect lanes.
- Fixed an issue with Slate All Access Pass licensing.

2.2.1 - March 27, 2024

Shaper Table

- Made Bias, Smooth, Phase, and Loop Mode automatable.


- Made Loop Mode automatable.


- Fixed an issue causing crashes on macOS.
- Fixed an issue where an edited factory sample would not save properly.
- Fixed an issue where nodes in output curves could be deleted even though it should not be possible.
- Fixed incorrect hover effects when dragging curve nodes and loop handles.
- Fixed incorrect zoom level on curves after loading.
- Hide loop background in curve editors when grid is visible.

2.2.0 - March 20, 2024


- New effect plugin! (VST/AAX/AU/Snapin)

Shaper Table

- New effect plugin! (VST/AAX/AU/Snapin)


- Made pre-delay have effect when no IR is loaded again.


- New, more flexible curve editing for all editors (LFO, Curve, Remap, Shaper etc.)
- Curves can now be edited within the main displays of their respective modules.
- New more future proof and open preset format for all plugins.
- Better error handling when loading presets and other data.
- It is now possible to enter note values for values presented as frequencies and vice versa.
- Double clicking a module header now minimizes/maximizes it.
- Shift-double clicking a module header now minimizes/maximizes all modules in the lane.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a black UI on Windows.
- Various minor UI tweaks.

2.1.5 - March 19, 2024

Phase Plant

- Fixed incorrect monophonic pressure values at beginning of notes.


- Fixed a problem with pre-delay getting clamped to 10ms.

2.1.4 - December 18, 2023

Phase Plant

- Added 200+ new presets, tagged with #december2023

Snap Heap

- Fixed skinnable background


- Made latency constant to avoid latency change glitches


- Fixed an issue with range entry on modulations from inverted modulators - Fixed an issue with LFOs not switching direction immedately when loop mode is changed while playing - Fixed animation update issues on macOS

2.1.3 - October 27, 2023


- Fixed a problem where plugins would crash on macOS 12 and earlier.


- Fixed broken audio when using feedback.

2.1.2 - October 19, 2023


- Fixed an issue with UI not always updating/animating properly. - Fixed displayed parameter values lagging behind on VST2 in Ableton Live. - Fixed automation highlights showing when editing a parameter in Ableton Live. - Fixed an issue with the mouse sometimes locking up when dragging a value.


- Fixed an issue where the IR would fail to process and just output silence.

2.1.1 - October 4, 2023


- UI performance improvements. - Samples and presets can now be drag-dropped into lanes to create appropriate snapins/modulators. - Added an option to auto focus search fields in popups. - Showing one more significant digit for many percentages when below 10% - Fixed flipped vertical/horzontal grid icons in snapping settings.

Phase Plant

- Nonlinear filter now available in generator section. - Samples can now be drag-dropped into the generator section to create appropriate generators. - New Wavetable Editor Effect: Symmetrize - New Wavetable Editor Fix Tool: Fix Seam - Fixed an issue where some grain settings would cause a crash. - Respect midi reset (CC 123) commands in VST3. - Added a reference box for currently selected wavetable frame. - Fixed MPE Timbre quickly sliding from zero to the intial value instead of starting at the correct value when a note is struck in some DAWs.


- Allow previewing distortion modes with hover.

Nonlinear Filter

- New all-pass mode

Ladder Filter

- Reworked the UI.


- Added upward expansion up to 1:2

2.1.0 - May 25, 2023

Phase Plant

- New generator: Granular


- Sample Editor added for quick editing of samples in Sampler, Granular and Convolver.
- Improved grid settings & behavior in editors.
- Performance improvements, specifically on Intel Macs.

2.0.16 - February 20, 2023


- Improved behaviour when using Ctrl+Scroll Wheel to adjust a stepped parameter.
- Report plugin category in VST3.
- Fixed more memory consumption issues in some specific cases.
- Fixed UI scaling issues in Reaper.

Phase Plant

- Made disabled generators show a blank signal instead of an old signal.


- Fixed an issue where nested Multipass instances would not get correct frequency band labels.

2.0.15 - January 19, 2023


- Fixes for memory consumption problems that could occur in some specific cases.

2.0.14 - December 20, 2022

Snapin Hosts

- Fixed a problem where the modulation lane disappeared in some cases.
- Fixed a problem where macro knobs changed position slightly depending on number of modulations.
- Fixed a problem where modulators didn't always follow their group's enable state properly.

2.0.13 - December 14, 2022


- New modulator: Slew Limiter
- DSP & UI performance improvements.
- Fixed inverted mode for the LFO Table modulator.
- Fixed a memory leak that could cause some memory to not be freed when loading a new preset.

Phase Plant

- Made sideband input on modulators work for global voice as well.


- Fixed a bug sometimes causing clicks when automating the gain.

2.0.12 - November 25, 2022


- Fixed audio glitch when a snapin with latency was placed in a bypassed group.
- Fixed "Add Location" button in windowed browsers closing the window instead of doing anything.
- Fixed parameter value tooltips getting stuck on screen, and broken undo/redo.

Snap Heap & Multipass

- Fixed automations not working properly when an automation slot is bound to to a knob in the snapin version of the UI.

Phase Plant

- Fixed noise oscillator having a bad range for the stereo knob.
- Fixed broken about screen.

Nonlinear Filter

- Fixed bode plot disappearing for some particular parameter ranges.

2.0.11 - November 15, 2022


- Fixed rare pops that could occur because of a bug in latency compensation.

Phase Plant

- Fixed broken about screen.

2.0.10 - November 10, 2022


- Fixed a problem with latency compensation when toggling lanes on/off.
- Fixed spurious crackle at the start & end of sound when a snapin with latency is disabled.
- Improved keyboard behaviour in some DAW/OS combinations.
- Fixed a bug with garbled text in long descriptions in the preset browser.

2.0.9 - October 13, 2022

Dual Delay

- New effect plugin! (VST/AAX/AU/Snapin)


- Added a tone control to shape the characteristics of the feedback.
- Updated the design to match Dual Delay.

Phase Plant

- Fixed an issue where removing generator modules could freeze the plugin.

2.0.8 - October 6, 2022


- Made lanes scroll when dragging a module close to the edge.
- Made sure the drop area is always visible when dragging a module.
- Added a small update notification next to the version when an update is available.
- Made popup windows respect the dark/light theme setting for the title bar on Windows.
- Fixed a crash when automating some parameters, most notably Curve generator rate.
- Fixed a bug where collapsed snapin groups would be expanded after loading a preset.
- Fixed a bug where expired license notifications wouldn't always be shown when they should.
- Fixed usability issues with the small preset/settings area in snapins.
- Fixed a bug where setting a default preset didn't take effect properly in some DAWs in VST3.

Channel Mixer

- New effect plugin! (VST/AAX/AU/Snapin)

Phase Plant

- Fixed loop being enabled in saved samples even when disabled in the sample generator.

Slice EQ

- Fixed a bug where ctrl-z would undo twice.
- Fixed a problem with UI not displaying oversampling correctly


- Add spectrum display to snapin ui.

2.0.7 - August 17, 2022


- Made it impossible to delete all the nodes of an LFO curve in the editor.
- Fixed parameter value stripe being orange even when modulations targeting it were disabled.
- Fixed double click not resetting fractional values (for example synced LFO rate).
- Fixed voice value for MIDI CC modulator being reset to zero when a new voice is started rather than being set to the latest global value.

Phase Plant

- Fixed sampler band limiting at the wrong frequency when modulated.
- Fixed global Note modulator not taking MPE pitch bend into account.
- Tagged all presets added in 2.0 with #v2

2.0.6 - June 20, 2022


- Made spectrums in Slice EQ, Carve EQ and Multipass show the result of all voices mixed together when on poly lanes.
- Fixed parameter context popups so that the typed value is discarded when the escape key is pressed.
- Fixed crash that could occur when clicking the POLY button on a lane containing a nested host.

Phase Plant

- Fix for audio rate modulations not respecting the enabled button

Carve EQ & Slice EQ

- Fixed "Left / Ri..." in stereo mode dropdown.

2.0.5 - June 14, 2022


- Fixed crash that occured when creating "MPE Timbre" and "Pitch Wheel" modulators.
- Fixed stuck notes that could occur when playing while switching presets.
- Fixed the decibels formatter to properly parse "-Inf".


- Changed the filter to a more stable implementation which doesn't cause very loud noises when heavily modulated.


- Made some improvements for Note Expression (aka MPE) compatiblity in Cubase.

2.0.4 - June 1, 2022


- Reduced memory consumption


- Fixed crash in New Sonic Arts Freestyle on macOS

2.0.3 - June 1, 2022

Phase Plant

- Remedied a CPU spike that occured when notes are struck.


- Added an edit box to the folder browser.

2.0.2 - May 30, 2022


- Fix for crash in DAWs that try to initialize the plugin several times (like Tracktion Waveform).

2.0.1 - May 25, 2022


- Made it possible to add nodes on vertical segments in the curve editing tool, which also fixes a bug where you can't add nodes in looped curves if all nodes are on the same X coordinate.
- Fixed broken group bypass button.
- Envelope and Curve modulators in Snap Heap and Multipass now retrigger by note on by default.
- Made scrollbars visible in browsers.
- Brightened up the mute and solo colors to match the active color.
- Fixed crash when drag-dropping presets onto PP.
- Graphical glitch after loading certain presets (black rectangles).

Phase Plant

- Added missing stripe on LFO Table frame control.


- Fixed modulation target sometimes not being visible.

2.0.0 - May 18, 2022

Multipass & Snap Heap

- Full redesign with new modular modulation system

Phase Plant

- New generator module: Curve Output


- New modulator: Curve
- New modulator: Remap
- New modulator: LFO Table
- New modulator: Sample & Hold
- New modulator: Audio Follower
- New modulator: Pitch Tracker
- New modulator: Pitch Wheel
- New modulator: Note Gate
- New modulator: MIDI CC
- New modulator: MPE Timbre
- MPE support
- Improved visualisation of modulation connections
- External automation for almost any parameter
- Modulator triggers
- Snapin groups
- Modulator groups
- Curvature control on all modulations
- UI updates and redesigns ...and more!

1.8.28 - March 24, 2022


- Fixed a problem with some plugins not working in Wavelab, most notably Carve EQ and Slice EQ.

1.8.27 - March 18, 2022


- Fixed an issue that caused plugin scan to take longer than needed in some situations.


- Fixed a crash when trimming a sample to zero length
- Fixed a spurious crash when initializing multiple convolvers at once


- Fixed an issue that could cause a freeze while scanning plugins.


- Fixed automation not working in the latest version of Logic.

1.8.26 - March 2, 2022


- Native support for Apple Silicon

1.8.25 - January 12, 2022


- Fixed right clicking to add a modulation and immediately open the parameter popup.
- Fixed parameter popup not appearing when right clicking a modulation knob on a modulation source.
- Made a workaround to make it possible to load WAV files with broken file headers.


- Fixed a problem that could cause a loud click or burst of noise after loading a preset that uses the snapin.

1.8.24 - November 23, 2021


- Fixed broken stereo handling.

1.8.23 - November 17, 2021


- Fixed a problem that caused Convolver to not work correctly on polyphonic lanes.
- Performance improvements.

1.8.22 - November 9, 2021


- Fixed misaligned values when in synced mode


- Fixed misaligned values when in synced mode


- Fixed failing to load in FL Studio


- Fixed failing to load in FL Studio


- Fixed broken automation
- Fixed performance issues

1.8.21 - November 1, 2021


- Fixed too small hit areas for delay time when in synced mode.


- Fixed too small hit areas for pre-delay time when in synced mode.
- Fixed a burst of noise that could occur when loading or manipulating an IR.
- Reduced the sensitivity when dragging the stretch parameter.

Phase Plant

- Fixed a crash that occured when dragging the end points in the sample import tool in the wavetable editor.


- Fixed some parameters, most notably macros, sometimes having the wrong value after loading a preset in Reason.


- Fixed renaming macros not working properly in Ableton Live.

1.8.20 - October 12, 2021


- Fixed a problem with content banks not showing up when they should


- Fixed a crash that could somewhat randomly happen when processing IRs
- Fixed a problem with the maximum delay time being incorrectly capped

1.8.19 - October 8, 2021


- Fixed a problem with AU version of Convolver crashing

1.8.18 - October 6, 2021


- New effect plugin! (VST/AAX/AU/Snapin)

1.8.17 - April 16, 2021


- Fixed a performance problem that caused a freeze when moving certain snapins between lanes.
- Fixed an issue that in theory could cause performance issues and audio stutters when automating parameters.

Phase Plant

- Made new groups reset their name properly.

1.8.16 - March 18, 2021

Released content bank: Suspension


- Fixed unlicensed snapins not being disabled in the snapin selector.
- Made the FLAC loader fail instead of crashing if loading an empty or broken sample.

Nonlinear Filter

- Fixed Mode dropdown misbehaving in Reason

1.8.15 - March 10, 2021


- Made drop downs in snapins drop down and out of the snapin frame, instead of being confined to the bounds of the snapin UI.
- Made UI scale carry over to popup windows, like the wavetable browser.
- Made it possible to drop banks on Snap Heap and Multipass to install.
- Made the remembered file type in Save Dialog actually work.
- Improved naming of parameter names visible to the DAW to avoid ambiguities.
- Made most places showing the plugin name include the "kHs" prefix to make names less generic.
- Added support for decimal comma in value parsing.
- Reworked snapin loading, removing additional load times when starting up.
- Fixed problems with warnings & errors on load on some macOS versions.


- Now reports the correct latency value to the DAW.

Nonlinear Filter

- New effect plugin! (VST/AAX/AU/Snapin)


- Made parameter name changes (e.g. Macros) propagate properly to Pro Tools.

1.8.14 - January 29, 2021

Phase Plant

- Made the sample save dialog remember the selected file format for next time (WAV or FLAC).
- Added support for loading WAV files with extended format chunks.

Slice EQ & Carve EQ

- Now remembering the zoom and pan settings of the view for the next time you open the project.
- When changing the spectrum settings the new settings will now be stored and used as a default for new instances.


- Fixed window sizing issues on high DPI screens.


- Fixed installer randomly popping up when instantiating a plugin.
- Fixed AU plugins not passing validation on M1 macs.
- Fixed buggy knob drag behavior in Logic.


- Better handling of when the windows message queue is full. Hopefully avoids several potential bugs, for instance Phase Plant getting stuck in a state where samples can't be loaded.
- Fixed drag and drop target areas being offset from their proper location in some cases.

1.8.13 - December 17, 2020


- Fixed a problem with worker threads getting jammed that caused issues like browsers not working and samples not loading properly in some DAWs.

Phase Plant

- Fixed velocity being overwritten in old voices when the same note was struck again.

Slice EQ & Carve EQ

- Fixed "Left/Right" being shortened to "Left/Righ..." in the stereo mode dropdown.

1.8.12 - December 15, 2020


- Fixed a problem with AU versions of plugins misbehaving in Ableton Live when running macOS Big Sur

1.8.11 - December 10, 2020


- Fixed a problem where preset data could in some cases become corrupted if opened and resaved with an older version than with which it was first created.

Phase Plant

- Fixed clicks and pops at the beginning and end of notes that could occur in some scenarios where snapins that caused DSP latency were used.

1.8.9 - November 23, 2020

This bugfix release improves UI performance on mac OS, and fixes a bug in the Gain snapin.


- Fixed modulation knob being missing from the Gain snapin until you touch the dB/% selector.

mac OS

- Improved UI performance.

1.8.8 - November 18, 2020

This bugfix release fixes some input related bugs.


- Made scrolling smoother and more sensitive on both macOS and Windows, especially when using touch devices.


- Fixed an incompatibility with Steel Series mice that could cause knobs to sometimes be hard to turn properly.

1.8.7 - November 16, 2020

Hotfix release addressing a few issues introduced in the previous release.

Phase Plant

- Fixed an issue where double clicking a shape in the LFO browser would not select it.
- Fixed an issue where cycling through shapes in the LFO browser with up/down arrows did not work properly.
- Fixed an issue where the LFO browser did not focus the correct folder when opening.

1.8.6 - November 11, 2020


- Added support for installing & loading content bank files with presets, samples, etc.
- Added support for searchable tags in preset descriptions.
- Added tags to all Phase Plant, Multipass, and Snap Heap factory presets.
- Added factory presets to all Snapins.
- Added "Go to Folder" in preset browser context menu.
- Made subfolders visible in file list section of browsers.
- Fixed a problem with text entry not always working properly on boolean parameters.
- Fixed a visual glitch in text edit boxes causing the cursor to misalign.
- Fixed a visual glitch that sometimes made the cursor in text edit boxes visible when it shouldn't be.
- Fixed a problem where text edit boxes sometimes did not update properly when entering out of range values.
- Fixed some more issues with the "preset edited" asterisk popping up when it shouldn't. You rascal.
- Fixed a problem causing plugins to fail to load in Harrison Mixbus on Mac.
- Fixed a problem with mouse dragging knobs etc. would be slower than it should.

Phase Plant

- Made the fade handles in WT editor tools movable across the whole range.
- Fixed Unison and Loop panels not being greyed out when a generator was disabled.
- Fixed a problem where loop points wouldn't always be copied properly when duplicating a sampler.
- Fixed hanging notes that could occur when sustain pedal is released in monophonic mode.
- Fixed Analog oscillator using a lot of CPU with some unison modes, in particular Pitch Stack.
- Fixed DC offset problem in Analog sawtooth oscillator for high Shift values.
- Tiny alignment fix in Wavetable generator display to make exactly 2 cycles of the waveform visible.
- Tweaked browser icon margins in LFO and Sampler area.
- Fixed a bug where undo/redo for parameters loaded from samples in Sampler did not work properly.
- Fixed aliasing in the sampler when using certain unison modes
- Added error messages for failing to import samples in the Wavetable editor, as well as a limit on sample length to avoid bad behaviour on too big samples.


- Added a percent "fade" mode in addition to the current decibel "trim" mode.


- Fixed clicks at the beginning of a voice when used on a poly lane in Phase Plant in Sine, Hardclip and Quantize modes and with Bias or Spread turned up.


- Fixed a problem where band splits could be processed incorrectly by the DSP after loading a preset.


- Fixed UI refresh problems on Mac making waveform selectors not update properly.
- Fixed a problem where it would create an empty 'kiloHearts' folder in the user's AppData.


- Tweaked preset area layout to avoid some size glitches.


- Fixed bad UI scaling behaviour on Windows High DPI screens.
- Fixed zero velocity not being properly treated as note off.


- Fixed a bug where the editor UI would be listed as "Chorus" in the plugin view list of Logic Pro X.

1.8.5 - June 25, 2020


- Added VST3 support
- Fixed a problem where some popups were cancelled by clicking outside them when they shouldn't be.
- Fixed a problem where the "edited" asterisk in the top bar was not removed properly when saving.
- Fixed a problem where config files could become corrupted and get stuck in this corrupted state.

Phase Plant

- Added multiple Unison modes, allowing both more control of regular unison as well as additional creative and chord unison modes.
- Added support for Unison on the Sample generator module.
- Added "Normalize Global Peak" and "Normalize Frame Peak" fixes in the Wavetable Editor
- Added "Center" and "Range" knobs to the Note modulator allow tweaking of the range
- Reworked the layout of the generator modules to give more space to the displays, and hide away complexity when not used.
- Fixed a problem that caused modulation envelopes to not get retriggered at the correct times in monophonic patches.
- Fixed a problem where Gain and Mix was not modulated properly on Poly lanes.
- Fixed a problem where browsers would not understand files with the wrong extension case.
- Fixed a layout issue that could cause status bar to go off screen when preset browser is open.

Pitch Shifter

- Added an option for Latency compensation allowing more compensation at the expense of more latency, or no compensation to get zero latency in the dry signal.

Snap Heap & Multipass

- Fixed a problem where ADSR envelopes sometimes did not update the state of their gates as the threshold level was adjusted.

1.8.4 - March 23, 2020


- Made it impossible to get to a state where the high threshold is below the low threshold

Phase Plant

- Made exported wavetables more Serum compatible
- Made wavetable edit commands (cut/copy/delete) default to full wave selection if nothing is selected
- Made the Convert Sample wavetable tool not create weird keyframes
- Improved the Convert Sample wavetable tool: Added crossfade parameter Renamed the "None" phase correction mode to "Naive" Made "None" truly not adjust anything Made the root pitch edit into a draggable parameter display instead of editbox Made the source position handles in draggable Display source position handles for focused frame as well Normalize input automatically
- Added Wavetable effects Squarify, Frame Blend and Distortion
- Reworked the wavetable display in the wavetable editor to give a better feel for what the waveform looks like.
- Fixed a problem with wavetable paste inserting data backwards
- Moved browser arrows in generators two pixels to the right


- Updated version display

Disperser, Faturator

- Fixed a problem with first preset in bank having no name in VST banks

1.8.3 - February 12, 2020

New Plugin: Dynamics


- Reduced flicker when resizing on Windows
- Fixed a problem with non-preset parameters (e.g. Pitch Bend range, Spectrum mode, etc.) getting reset when loading presets
- Fixed a problem with preset name overflowing the UI in the Snapin preset area

Compressor, Gate, Limiter

- Made visualization react to modulation.


- New presets using the new Dynamics snapin

Phase Plant

- Renamed "Brush tool" to "Free draw tool" in wavetable editor

1.8.2 - January 24, 2020


- Fixed a crash that occured when creating a folder in the save dialog.
- Fixed broken layout in wavetable browser when the author field was filled in on a wavetable.

1.8.1 - January 24, 2020


- Fixed a crash that could occur after closing a browser and then pressing an arrow key.
- Fixed a crash that occured if the browser failed to create the default user folder on disk.
- Fix for long folder names messing up the browser layout, especially in the wavetable browser.

Phase Plant

- Made it possible to pan and zoom vertically in the LFO curve editor.

Transient Shaper, 3-Band EQ

- Made visualization respond to modulation.

Slice EQ, Carve EQ, Snap Heap, Multipass

- Made it impossible to open more than one large editor from the snapin view.

1.8.0 - January 21, 2020


- Snap Heap and Multipass can now themselves be added as snapins, making it possible to do very complex nested FX structures.
- Totally reworked preset browsing: - Preset favorites. - Multiple user preset folders. - Preset search. - Proper preset browsing in snapins. - Better Save dialog. - Made it possible to select a default preset.
- New and improved top bar in all plugins.
- Improved preset loading speed.
- Curated and sorted factory presets for Snap Heap and Multipass.
- Fix for keyboard input not being forwarded to the DAW when a sub window had focus.
- Fixed automation not being smooth when large buffer sizes are used.
- Fixed a problem that made it impossible to enter a parameter value via keyboard in the popup while the parameter was modulated.

Phase Plant

- Over 80 new factory presets! Search for "#new" in the preset browser to find them all.
- Sample and Wavetable browsing now uses the new content browser.
- LFO shapes can now be saved/loaded, also using the new content browser.
- Filter and Distortion generator FX now have better visualization.
- Filter generator FX now has slope control.
- Distortion generator FX has a new distortion mode: Quantize.
- Added visualization to filter and distortion generator FX modules.
- Improved grid control in LFO editor.
- Improved LFO editor tools. The new "Stepped draw tool" makes it easier to use the LFO as a step sequencer.
- Changed legato behavior. Adjacent notes are now considered to be separate rather than being played legato.
- Adjusted the layout of the add modulator popup to be consistent with the same popup for generators and snapins.
- Fixed a crash when adding audio rate modulations to a Sampler while playing a note.
- Fixed samples sometimes not playing after loading a preset.
- Fix for root and loop settings not updating as they should when loading samples.
- Fix for old sample playing at the wrong pitch for a split second when browsing samples.


- Added slope control.


- New distortion mode: Quantize.

Carve EQ

- New visual style with better controls in Snapin mode.

Slice EQ

- New visual style with better controls in Snapin mode.
- Global frequency offset, making it easier to modulate the whole EQ curve like a filter.


- Fixed jittery knob drag behavior with high DPI gaming mouses.
- Fixed graphical glitches.
- Improved UI performance.
- Fixed plugins failing AUVal on older macOS versions.


- Fixed a problem with drag and drop on high DPI screens.
- Fixed a problem where the window got focused after a popup window was removed.

1.7.11 - October 16, 2019


- Fixed broken layout of placeholder that appears when snapins don't load properly.


- Improved rendering perfomance, epecially on retina screens.
- Fixed rendering glitches in Logic.

Carve EQ and Slice EQ

- Enabled support for retina screens on OSX, now that performance is better.

1.7.9 - October 10, 2019


- Fixed windows size being stored bigger than intended on high DPI displays on Windows.
- Fix for a bug in the licensing system.

1.7.8 - September 25, 2019

Another bugfix release.


- Optimizations to snapin instantiation and preset loading.
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occured when opening a new window.
- Fix for windows being too big to reach the resize handle on some high DPI screens on Windows.
- Improved precision for mouse calculations, hopefully resolving issues experienced by some users.

Phase Plant:

- Fixed modulation knobs in modulation lane appearing behind the scrollbar and being hard to reach.

1.7.7 - August 27, 2019

Another quick hotfix release to address a Audio Unit specific crash bug.


- Disabled high DPI handling in DAWs that don't explicitly ask us if we support it.

Slice EQ / Carve EQ:

- Made it possible to reset frequency axis by double clicking on it.
- Fixed cut off label in spectrum dropdown in status bar.

Audio Unit:

- Fixed a crash.

1.7.6 - August 23, 2019

Hotfix release to quickly address a major graphical issue in the previous release. Also let a feature that didn't quite make it in the last release tag along.


- Fixed a visual problem where modulation knobs would appear outside their scroll areas and clutter up the whole interface


- Added AudioSuite support in Pro Tools

1.7.5 - August 22, 2019

Again, this release focuses a lot on bug fixes, but we threw in some feature goodies as well!


- Made it possible to add modules in the middle of a lane by holding down Alt on Windows or Command on Mac.
- Visual improvements to lanes when moving modules around.
- Better handling of high DPI / retina screens, especially on Windows.
- Fixed an issue with modulation labels getting cut off in parameter context popup.
- Fixed an incompatibility with older Mac OSX versions that prevented the plugins from being scanned by some DAWs.
- Fixed effects doing nothing on mono tracks.
- Fixed plugins not communicating the list of presets to the DAW in plugins that use VST preset banks (Faturator, Disperser, kHs ONE).

Phase Plant:

- Fixed a crash when adding empty keyframes in WT brush tool.
- Added support for loading AIFF files.
- Added Peak display to the master meter in addition to RMS.
- Fixed a tiny offset error in the dB scale of the master meter.
- Fix for the sampler module playing back the sample with a few samples of delay.


- Fixed broken side chain input.


- Fixed spectrum analyzer not showing.

kHs ONE:

- Changed vendor string from "kiloHearts" to "Kilohearts" to be in line with our other plugins.


- Fixed bypass not working.

1.7.4 - July 2, 2019

This release focuses on fixing bugs. Again, some of the bug fixes affect the DSP code. If you think you have "taken advantage" of these bugs in your songs you may want to bounce your tracks before updating to this version.

Phase Plant:

- Note on and note off events are now processed with sample precision.
- Optimized the sample and wavetable scanning. Opening the browser should be a bit faster now if you have thousands of wavetables in user folders.
- Added scrolling to the wavetable browser, to be able to see all wavetables in large folders.
- Made it possible to drag and drop sample files onto the wavetable oscillator
- Redesigned the loop mode selector in the sampler to be more aesthetically pleasing.
- Added little lock buttons to the sampler for preserving the loop, offset and root note when loading a new sample.
- Fixed samples playing at the wrong pitch for a split second when previewing samples.
- Fixed the the sample play cursor jumping around in the UI even when the loop was turned off.
- Fixed band limits being wrong on sloped noise (40 Hz - 40 kHz rather than the correct 20 Hz - 20 kHz).
- Fixed LFO editor not always remembering grid settings.
- Fixed some snapins parameters receiving modulation values from the latest voice instead of the global modulation values when in non-poly lanes.
- Fixed wavetable oscillator being stuck in processing mode for a long time after doing many small edits in the wavetable editor.
- Fixed a problem with Phase Plant not discovering snapins licensed via Slate Digital.

Slice EQ:

- No longer moving the filter curves and handles in the UI when they are modulated.


- Made the offline installer properly understand subscription keys.


- Fixed crash that could occur when moving an instance from one track to another in Pro Tools.

1.7.3 - June 14, 2019

This release fixes a bunch of bugs. Some of the bugfixes affect the DSP code, most notably of the Sampler module in Phase Plant. If you think you have "taken advantage" of these bugs in your songs you may want to bounce your tracks before updating to this version.


- Snapins without licenses no longer show up in the snapin picker.

Phase Plant:

- Fixed handling of "all notes off" and "all sound off" MIDI commands.
- The grid and snapping settings are now saved in the LFO editor.
- Fixed the the "Aux Input" modulation target showing up as "Unknown".
- Added two new tutorial presets: "Delayed Envelopes" and "Dual Band Processing".
- Fixed reverb tails sometimes getting cut off too early in polyphonic lanes.
- Fixed some clicks and pops that could occur in the sampler with the "Fwd-Rev" loop mode, even when crossfade was used.
- Fix for crash in sampler when a negative shift was used (i.e. when playing backwards).
- Fixed "Sustain" loop in sampler restarting from the beginning of the sample when releasing the key.

Audio Unit:

- Fixed sounds being played at the wrong pitch in some sample rates.

AAX / Pro Tools:

- Fixed notes not playing correctly.
- Fixed space key not starting and stopping playback when plugin has focus.
- Fixed a bug that caused random crashes.

1.7.1 - May 29, 2019

- Fixed an issue with trial licenses.
- Fixed an issue in Phase Plant with importing non-kilohearts wavetables.

1.7.0 - May 29, 2019

- New Plugin: Phase Plant
- New Plugin: Ensemble
- New Plugin: Flanger
- Added support for modulating modulations in Snap Heap and Multipass
- Added a "Fast" mode to Compressor, allowing for instant attack.
- Added preset browse buttons in Snap Heap and Multipass
- Added author field to presets in Snap Heap and Multipass
- Made modulation link buttons nicer and more clear
- Improved context menu for parameters and modulations
- Made a number of graphics performance & responsiveness improvements in Snap Heap and Multipass

1.5.3 - February 20, 2019

This will be the last release supporting 32-bit plugin hosts.

- Fixed a crash when loading factory presets in Faturator and Disperser on Mac/AU
- Fixed a problem where numpad enter wouldn't be recognized on Mac

1.5.2 - November 21, 2018

- Fixed a problem with AAX plugins not loading properly on Mac.

1.5.1 - November 15, 2018

- Fixed a problem with running Installer and plugins on OS X versions earlier than 10.13. 10.7 is the current requirement.
- Fixed a problem where modulation sources were named incorrectly in tooltips
- Fixed a problem where copying snapins could overflow the UI with modulations.

1.5.0 - November 1, 2018

- New infrastructure allowing for smaller downloads, faster loading and better updating/downgrading
- Fixed an issue where modulation knobs would sometimes get confused and show the wrong modulation
- Made it possible to expand/collapse snapins while setting modulations
- Made it more clear which modulations are set and which ones are not while setting modulation
- Fixed a problem with removing modulations by double clicking