There have been so many positive things said about our plugins over the years, which is wonderful! But one comment we’ve heard a few times is that there just aren’t enough presets out there to really show off the power and range of the Kilohearts Ecosystem's capabilities… so we decided to do something about that.
Big time.
We’ve been working our rumpas off over the last few months to not only pull together a fantastic selection of completely new presets with some of the best preset designers in the game, but also to improve our preset management system as a whole.
And today we are delighted to announce the launch of Kilohearts Content Banks along with an updated preset management system for all our plugins.

Over 300 New Expertly Designed Presets
As of right now, there are six new Content Banks available in our new Content Bank Store, each containing up to fifty presets across a range of styles. And we have many more planned.
We are ridiculously excited to debut two very different ‘Artist Banks’ in the forms of Book of the Dead from Kill the Noise and Polychrome from Andrew Huang. Just wait until you hear what these guys have come up with… these patches are mind-blowing!
In addition, we have New London, Tremor, Impossible, and Headline banks packed with fresh sounds for Drum and Bass, Ambient, IDM, EDM, and all kinds of other styles and genres.
All Content Banks are available to buy in our store but, get this, if you are a Kilohearts Subscriber you can add them to your collection at no extra charge. That’s right, you just got over 300 new presets for nothing. Don’t say we’re not good to you.
Content Banks - More than Meets the Eye
A Content Bank is a single file that can contain presets for any of our plugins as well as samples, wavetables, and LFO shapes. Adding them easy as pie. For our own Content Banks you can simply run the Kilohearts Installer to download and install everything to your computer. For third-party Content Banks you just need to drag and drop the file into any of our hosts (Snap Heap, Multipass, or Phase Plant) and they’ll be instantly added to your collection.
When you update your Kilohearts software to v1.8.6 you will discover the new and improved browser system with handy new features like hashtag browsing and separate Content Bank folders. This will make it easier to find the perfect preset for your needs.
Check out our range of Content Banks now.
Also Included in the v1.8.6 Software Update
As well as the preset management system update we have squished a few bugs, made a few improvements, and added some new features and factory presets to your software.
Changelog v1.8.6
- Added support for installing & loading content bank files with presets, samples, etc.
- Added support for searchable tags in preset descriptions.
- Added tags to all Phase Plant, Multipass, and Snap Heap factory presets.
- Added factory presets to all Snapins.
- Added "Go to Folder" in preset browser context menu.
- Made subfolders visible in file list section of browsers.
- Fixed a problem with text entry not always working properly on boolean parameters.
- Fixed a visual glitch in text edit boxes causing the cursor to misalign.
- Fixed a visual glitch that sometimes made the cursor in text edit boxes visible when it shouldn't be.
- Fixed a problem where text edit boxes sometimes did not update properly when entering out of range values.
- Fixed some more issues with the "preset edited" asterisk popping up when it shouldn't. You rascal.
- Fixed a problem causing plugins to fail to load in Harrison Mixbus on Mac.
- Fixed a problem with mouse dragging knobs etc. would be slower than it should.
Phase Plant
- Made the fade handles in WT editor tools movable across the whole range.
- Fixed Unison and Loop panels not being greyed out when a generator was disabled.
- Fixed a problem where loop points wouldn't always be copied properly when duplicating a sampler.
- Fixed hanging notes that could occur when sustain pedal is released in monophonic mode.
- Fixed Analog oscillator using a lot of CPU with some unison modes, in particular Pitch Stack.
- Fixed DC offset problem in Analog sawtooth oscillator for high Shift values.
- Tiny alignment fix in Wavetable generator display to make exactly 2 cycles of the waveform visible.
- Tweaked browser icon margins in LFO and Sampler area.
- Fixed a bug where undo/redo for parameters loaded from samples in Sampler did not work properly.
- Fixed aliasing in the sampler when using certain unison modes
- Added error messages for failing to import samples in the Wavetable editor, as well as a limit on sample length to avoid bad behaviour on too big samples.
- Added a percent "fade" mode in addition to the current decibel "trim" mode.
- Fixed clicks at the beginning of a voice when used on a poly lane in Phase Plant in Sine, Hardclip and Quantize modes and with Bias or Spread turned up.
- Fixed a problem where band splits could be processed incorrectly by the DSP after loading a preset.
- Fixed UI refresh problems on Mac making waveform selectors not update properly.
- Fixed a problem where it would create an empty 'kiloHearts' folder in the user's AppData.
- Tweaked preset area layout to avoid some size glitches
- Fixed bad UI scaling behaviour on Windows High DPI screens.
- Fixed zero velocity not being properly treated as note off.
- Fixed a bug where the editor UI would be listed as "Chorus" in the plugin view list of Logic Pro X.