Happy Birthday, Phase Plant!
They grow up so fast.
What better way to celebrate the anniversary of the launch of our beautiful baby, award-winning, semi-modular synth than with a cool gift for all Phase Plant users.
Brand new FREE Content Bank - "Grattis 2021"
To celebrate the 2nd year of Phase Plant's existence we bothered a bunch of our favourite Phase Plant using artists and sound designers to see if they could contribute some of their personal patches for a FREE Content Bank to share with the Phase Plant Gang.
Download Grattis 2021 via the link in the sidebar and simply drag and drop into Phase Plant to install.

It turns out that they were a generous bunch and we've ended up with this epic collection of over 140 Phase Plant presets from the likes of Arovane, Dash Glitch, Mr. Bill, Venus Theory, Databroth, Nurve, Nomine, Gigantor, emptyvessel, Black Marvin, Chee, Everything Must Go, ALCKEMY, SeamlessR, Man Makes Noise, INHUMAN, Mussar, Sine Authority, Composing Gloves, LOBOTIX, Ill-Esha, Wobby Funkel, Oddiction, Letsynthesize, Flintpope, Mat Zo, Camellia, STRANJAH, Glorkglunk, Humjunkie, Nick Spann, NEONLIGHT, Navi Retlav, Moekel, Tyr Kohout, DNB Academy, Equivalent... to name just a few.
There is a huge variety of patches in here, including a disproportionate number of reese basses.
You people really seem to love making reese basses in Phase Plant.
That's ok.
You will also find epic pads, screaming leads, wobbly keys, cinematic effects, wubs, yoys, and much more.
So please help yourself to Grattis 2021 (drag and drop into Phase Plant to install) and have fun exploring the creations of these talented noise-makers. Thanks to all who contributed. This got way bigger than we anticipated.
And thanks to everyone who has joined the #phaseplantgang over the last two years and continued to surprise us with the amazing things you are doing with this synth.
We hope you've enjoyed the improvements and new features we've added since the launch and we're certain you're going to enjoy the updates we have planned for you.
Watch this space.