
A chroma-tastic melodic suite.

Colour Forge includes 50 presets for Phase Plant, as well as 2 LFOs, 6 Wavetables, and 23 Samples.

Prodigious bass producer Nasko is back with 50 more spectrally satisfying presets for Phase Plant. Colour Forge follows on from Bass Forge, and represents a foundry for melodic, bright, rich, intense sounds which never go off key.

Every preset includes Nasko's unique Spectral Scaling technique, a Multipass-based filtering / pitch shifting algorithm which ensures that every note is harmonically enhanced and quantised in the key of your track, or in shifting keys as you modulate or automate the ever-present SCALE parameter.

Besides that chroma-tastic secret sauce, it's a spectacular collection of basses, pads, keys, and more, which represent Nasko's awesome creative ear, and innovative intellect.

It's never been easier or more fun to create in your desired palette. Grab a canvas!


About the author

Nasko is an electronic music producer from Germany who specializes in sound design and music production tech.

On top of releasing originals, remixes and collaborations on various labels such as Disciple Records, Buygore, Subsidia, and recently SLANDER, Nasko runs a Patreon page where he explores and offers a plethora of educational electronic music production content and tools, including a line-up of special Kilohearts Snap Heap presets that are used by tons of producers in the scene he operates in.

Nasko Music producer and YouTuber


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