Making a Kick and Snare in Phase Plant
We’ve teamed up with producer Protostar and manufacturers of exceptional bass monitoring technology, SubPac, to bring you this series of sound design tutorials using Phase Plant.
In part two of this series, Protostar shows us how to create drums from scratch using Phase Plant’s powerful synthesis, modulation, and layering capabilities.
Topics covered in this tutorial include; the fundamental elements of a drum sound, using pitch and volume envelopes, using the LFO editor to create a multi-stage envelope, effects lane routing, layering in samples, and using Disperser as a magic ingredient to spice up your drum hits.

Thanks for watching the second part of this Phase Plant sound design tutorial. If you missed part one you can watch it here. You can watch part three here.
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You can find more from Protostar in the following places: Spotify, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Soundcloud, Youtube.