Phase Plant Sound Design with Protostar - Part 3

In part three of this series, Protostar takes us through the process of creating a drop using some of the elements from the previous two sound design tutorials.

Making a Drop in Phase Plant

We’ve teamed up with producer Protostar and manufacturers of exceptional bass monitoring technology, SubPac, to bring you this series of sound design tutorials using Phase Plant.

In part three of this series, Protostar takes us through the process of creating a drop using some of the elements from the previous two sound design tutorials.

Topics covered in this tutorial include; automating macros, sidechaining bass and kick, creating variation, achieving correct levels in the mix, mono compatibility and post-processing.

Thanks for watching the third part of this Phase Plant sound design tutorial. You can watch part one here and part two here. Part four can be found here.

Please pop by to tell us what you think on Facebook, Twitter or Discord.

You can find more from Protostar in the following places: Spotify, Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, Soundcloud, Youtube.

Kilohearts Press Team Thursday, May 7, 2020

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