
Peak Trimming


Just a little off the top

Did we win the loudness war? Did we lose? We’re not even sure which side we were on… whatever that was about, everyone is still using clippers all over their productions so here’s ours.

Kilohearts Clipper brings the power of razor-sharp per-sample clipping to the Kilohearts Ecosystem, and let's you trim the peaks of your audio in order to leave some headroom or maybe to get that distorted sound that you are looking for.



Sets the level where you want to start clipping.

In Gain

Sets the volume of the incoming signal before the clipping is applied.


Adds a soft knee to the clipping curve to reduce the high frequency artifacts caused by hard clipping.

Out Gain

Sets the output volume after the clipping is applied.

The Kilohearts Ecosystem

Toolbox ecosystem

The Kilohearts Ecosystem

Clipper is one of a growing collection of plugins that form the Kilohearts Ecosystem.

They can be used as regular plugins (VST/AAX/AU) but also as Snapins in our modular Snapin Hosts; Phase Plant, Multipass, and Snap Heap, where you can combine and modulate them to create your own unique instruments and effects. These lightweight and high-quality plugins have intuitive no-nonsense interfaces so you will be using them like a master in no time.

The Kilohearts Essentials collection contains a number of useful plugins to get you started and is available absolutely FREE. Snapin Hosts and Premium plugins are available to buy separately.

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