Flavorful filtering
When you're looking for a bit of that vintage feel, Ladder filter will twist your basses into squelching retro-licks akin to those of the Moog or the 303. Crank the drive up an extra notch and it will even function as a warm distortion. Mmm, smooth.
The Ladder Filter simulates low pass filters found in classic hardware synths.
Cutoff knob
The filter cutoff frequency.
Resonance knob
The filter resonance setting. High values will make the filter resonate at the cutoff frequency.
Selects between transistor ladder and diode ladder topology. The diode ladder have a slightly more gentle rolloff after the cutoff frequency. The two topologies also behave differently when saturation is enabled.
Simulates saturation of electronic components in the filter.
Drive knob
TSimulates overdrive of the components. Only available in "Saturate" mode.
Bias knob
Simulates bias voltage over the components. Only available in "Saturate" mode.
The Kilohearts Ecosystem

The Kilohearts Ecosystem
Ladder Filter is one of a growing collection of plugins that form the Kilohearts Ecosystem.
They can be used as regular plugins (VST/AAX/AU) but also as Snapins in our modular Snapin Hosts; Phase Plant, Multipass, and Snap Heap, where you can combine and modulate them to create your own unique instruments and effects. These lightweight and high-quality plugins have intuitive no-nonsense interfaces so you will be using them like a master in no time.
The Kilohearts Essentials collection contains a number of useful plugins to get you started and is available absolutely FREE. Snapin Hosts and Premium plugins are available to buy separately.
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