Sequenced gate
What if ___ _____ easily chop up ____ __ the sound __ _ rhythmical pattern?
Well now you can! Trance Gate is a gate sequencer which quickly adds a rhythm to a pad or lead, chops up a beat or adds more staccato to an arpeggio.
The world of anthem trance lies at your feet!
Pattern Select
Switches between the eight different pattern slots.
Pattern Editor
Edits the current pattern. Click to toggle steps on or off, click and drag to tie steps together.
Length display
The length of the current pattern.
Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release
These knobs control the ADSR envelope which is applied to your sound, using the specified pattern.
Length of one step in the sequencer.
Mix knob
The dry/wet mix of this effect. A lower value will let some of the unmodified signal through.
The Kilohearts Ecosystem

The Kilohearts Ecosystem
Trance Gate is one of a growing collection of plugins that form the Kilohearts Ecosystem.
They can be used as regular plugins (VST/AAX/AU) but also as Snapins in our modular Snapin Hosts; Phase Plant, Multipass, and Snap Heap, where you can combine and modulate them to create your own unique instruments and effects. These lightweight and high-quality plugins have intuitive no-nonsense interfaces so you will be using them like a master in no time.
The Kilohearts Essentials collection contains a number of useful plugins to get you started and is available absolutely FREE. Snapin Hosts and Premium plugins are available to buy separately.
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