Customize attack character with Transient Shaper
When you want to carefully tweak the punch of your snare, the ricki-ticki-ticking of your hi-hats or the snappiness of a synth line, Transient Shaper is the right tool for the job.
Using a compressor is the most common way of adjusting the dynamics of a sound, but sometimes this can be a bit cumbersome. This is where Transient Shaper shines, giving you very direct control over the character of both the attack and sustaining sections of the sound in a way that's simple to understand and tweak.
The amount of amplification or attenuation of the transient.
The amount of attenuation directly after the transient, emphasizing the transient without increasing the level.
The amount of amplification or attenuation of the sustained sound.
When enabled, the output signal is clipped to 0dB.
When enabled transients are detected based on a secondary input, but the effect is applied to the main input.
Higher values results in snappier transient modification, and lower values result in smoother curves.
The Kilohearts Ecosystem

The Kilohearts Ecosystem
Transient Shaper is one of a growing collection of plugins that form the Kilohearts Ecosystem.
They can be used as regular plugins (VST/AAX/AU) but also as Snapins in our modular Snapin Hosts; Phase Plant, Multipass, and Snap Heap, where you can combine and modulate them to create your own unique instruments and effects. These lightweight and high-quality plugins have intuitive no-nonsense interfaces so you will be using them like a master in no time.
The Kilohearts Essentials collection contains a number of useful plugins to get you started and is available absolutely FREE. Snapin Hosts and Premium plugins are available to buy separately.
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