Filter Table
Filter Table lets you create sweeping filter effects by scanning through wavetables. The characteristic of the table's sound will be turned into a filter and applied to your sound.
- Cutoff
- The cutoff frequency of the resulting filter. In Filter Table the cutoff signifies the frequency of harmonic 24 in the Wavetable. You can keytrack the cutoff in any of our Snapin Hosts by modulating it with the Note modulator at 100%.
- Mix
- The dry/wet mix of this effect. A lower value will let some of the unmodified signal through. Depending on the selected phase mode, the mix know might introduce interesting phasing artefacts.
- Resonance
- Emphasizes or attenuates filter peaks and troughs.
- Phase Modes
- Selects between different phase response mode of the filter:
- MINIMUM: This creates a snappy and tight filter response without any latency.
- LINEAR: The Linear phase mode add some latency, but all phases will be aligned with the input, which can be important for parallel processing, and smooth operation of the Mix knob.
- ORIGINAL: This mode attempts to preserve the phases relationships of the wavetable as closely as possible. It introduces some latency.
- RAW: Raw mode uses the waveform in the selected frame as a filter kernel with as little processing as possible applied. This can create unpredictable artefacts.